Dental Council of India gets New President
It must be a great day, the 2nd April 2011. India wins world cup and so also Dr Anil Kohli gets defeated by Dr Mazumdar.
Thanks to all those who have worked for the betterment of profession to ensure that DCI remains true to its purpose. Now Dr Mahesh Varma as VP of DCI and Dr Mazumdar in command things will be set right and will bring back dignity to all and not to select few.
Thanks to all those who have worked for the betterment of profession to ensure that DCI remains true to its purpose. Now Dr Mahesh Varma as VP of DCI and Dr Mazumdar in command things will be set right and will bring back dignity to all and not to select few.
Hope things change now and dentistry provide a decent living standard to all after studying for so many years .
Hope the change brings in a breeze of freshness into lives of all our fellow professional .Matter of great concern is the clause wherein once the college gets recogonised there is no inspection for five years atleast i guess leading to colleges inflating the staff just before the inspection and then after college is recognized , faculty is shown the door with college functioning with bare minimum faculty ,misery doesnt ends here................but whats more ironical is that the DCI itself gives the NOC and knows about mass axing to staff of a particular college but still turns a blind eye to the events without bothering or following up with alternative staff ........hope things change before dentists change profession
pathetic state of dental affairs...colleges use dental faculty as and how they want....
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