Friday, April 08, 2011

Dental Council Saga- How change came about

How Dental Council change was brought about - The real story

It has been almost a week since Dr Dibeyendu Mazumdar defeated Dr Anil Kohli to become the President of the DCI. It is a defining moment for the future of dentistry and the DCI. We think that this is a moment that the majority of dentists in the country have been waiting for. It is also the time for us to explain the positions we took over the last several years either individually or through the HMA Trust. Following the emphatic win by Dr Mazumdar many of us received congratulatory messages. While we did play a responsible role in exposing several irregularities in the administration and regulation of dentistry, we would like to state clearly that Dr Mazumdar’s victory was the result of his own perseverance and goodwill. In fact we attribute his victory to two reasons.

1. The relentless efforts of Dr Mazumdar in winning the confidence of the members of the Dental Council by his mature and humble approach to the various issues.

2. The wisdom and discretion of the members of the DCI who voted for his success.

His victory is also a referendum on the policies of the previous leadership. In a recent Special Leave Petition in the Supreme Court, Dr Anil Kohli and a few members have impleaded in a writ petition denouncing the HMA Trust as some kind of inconvenient organization that was unnecessarily meddling in the otherwise smooth running of the Council. It alleged that the HMA Trust and some of us have gone to court on various issues for frivolous reasons. We would like to clarify that the HMA Trust is an independent non profit Trust set up under the Tamilnadu Society Registration Act. Its purposes are clearly defined and we would like to state the various measures taken up by us over the last three years and leave you to be the judge. Approaching the administration and the Courts of law are a genuine and legitimate means of seeking redressal in a democracy. The fact that our attempts resulted in a favourable outcome underlines the fact that we were successful in exposing several irregularities and violations.

1. The HMA trust used the enabling tool of the RTI to gather significant information about various aspects of the functioning of the DCI. In all we have used the RTI 34 times for obtaining information from the Health Ministry, UGC, Deemed Universities and of course the DCI and the State Dental Councils.

2. We petitioned the Government of India, PMO’s office, Dental Council, Medical council and other administrative bodies including state governments regarding various irregularities. This included the scrapping of Internship to benefit private managements, teachers in various dental colleges who were living overseas, non -payment of stipend etc

3. We have brought to the attention of the public, media and the dentists the various violations and improprieties of various health administrations including admission procedures etc

4. Some of us, with the support of the HMA Trust, have filed Writ Petitions in the High Court questioning illegal nomination to the DCI by politically powerful persons. The result of one such petition (WP No 5102/ 2011) resulted in the Madras High Court finding the nomination of Dr Anil Kohli invalid. There was no other means to expose the irregularity of a person in such a high position. In fact we had already exhausted administrative appeals to the Chief Minister of Delhi and the Lt Governor of Delhi before seeking legal recourse. We are proud to say that the subsequent resignation of the President paved the way for a new dispensation in the DCI.

5. We have persistently opposed the extravaganza, show and celebrity status bestowed on the previous President by private institutions. This included awards of Honorary Doctorates etc which was obviously a conflict of interest by the head of a regulatory body and the institution being regulated (Universities with dental colleges). We will continue to oppose it.

6. We have intervened whenever the due process of law or procedure was being subverted. In one instance Dr Kohli sought re-election as President on the day after he was compelled to resign. Our representation was accepted favourably by the council which decided to give 40 days notice before elections.

7. We have opposed the head of a statutory regulatory body making a donation to the PM’s relief fund. The presented cheque board had the name of DCI whereas it was collected from various private dental colleges. It is definitely not the mandate of the President of a regulatory body to collect money from private parties and present it to the Prime Minister with the name of DCI emblazoned on it.

8. We further petitioned the Delhi Dental Council to take punitive action against Dr Kohli and even remove his name from the Dentist’s register because he used the photograph of himself and the PM on the personal website of his private clinic in clear violation of the Code of Ethics- that too using the name of the PM of the country. What kind of a message is the head of a regulatory body sending to the young dentists of our country. When the President of the Council does it, the actions must be very strict.

9. We have opposed the manner in which the Biometrics contract was sanctioned. The replies to RTI from the council is unclear about whether due procedure and due diligence were applied in the contract. We also understand that the biometrics is eyewash and it is being manipulated. We have asked for either the biometrics to be removed or to be implemented strictly. Never as an instrument of personal harassment.

10. We have repeatedly petitioned the DCI to not be partial to some persons and institutions while harassing others. The President DCI has enormous discretionary powers which have been misused indiscriminately to favour some despite our complaints. This should never be repeated by any president against anybody. Very recently one of our trust members was relieved from his full time teaching post for the simple reason of being a member of a pro-active NGO. The politics of petty vendetta must stop.

Is there anything in our agenda that sounds immoral or incorrect????

In the same week when Anna Hazare the great Gandhian socialist has begun a fast unto death to implement policies (Lokpal Bill) which will make the mightiest in the country answerable for their wrongs, we rededicate our endeavours to have a clean policy in the regulation of health.

We take this opportunity to thank all our beneficiaries, many of whom could not come out publicly. We encourage more people to join us to make health services and regulation a friendly one for the benefit of humanity- not just for the privileged few!!

Wishing that Dr Dibeyendu Mazumdar and the Dental Council will make a great difference to the future of dentistry in India!

Flash News: The process to reintroduce Internship and reduce a Year has already been initiated. It will come into effect after the Health Ministry OK's it. Dr Mazumdar has written to all States saying NO to new dental colleges. A good beginning!!! As reported in the Times of India E News!!

Warm Regards

Dr R. Gunaseelan- President HMA Trust

Dr George Paul- Executive Trustee HMA Trust

Dr Kishore Nayak- Trustee


Anonymous dr arnavaz m havewala said...

i liked the complete text of the hma tusts report.
can i know more about it?r

2:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

still black moles have creep-ed in as council members .beware!

6:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good work hma....hope u can legalise part time faculty and pay lower salary for part time faculty and higher pay for full time faculty....hope corruption ends in dci..hope managements pay salary on time...hope releieving orders are given on time..hope dentistry becomes a wanted specialty once many hopes.....

6:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work HMA I am looking forward to contribute in whatever way to clean dental education.there should not be anything as part time faculty. strict check to control visiting faculty should be taken. they should not be merely blacklisted, legal action should be taken for forging documents. single window channel should be there to look into problems of full time faculties and they should not be left at mercy of management of private colleges.

12:03 PM  
Blogger dr.narendranathsingh said...

Great work HMA I am looking forward to contribute in whatever way to clean dental education.there should not be anything as part time faculty. strict check to control visiting faculty should be taken. they should not be merely blacklisted, legal action should be taken for forging documents. single window channel should be there to look into problems of full time faculties and they should not be left at mercy of management of private colleges.

12:04 PM  
Blogger dr.narendranathsingh said...

Faculty cannot leave ug college for one year and p.g college for three years. good move!!!!!
1) what will happen to faculty if college is closed midway? will he be payed for one yr by ug college and three yrs by a pg college????
2)If college stops paying salary in midterm and gives relieving to the faculty as well, still council does not issue NOC to the faculty.
3) Can DCI unilaterally dictate terms to faculties legally even if it is not the part of agreement of job contract between faculty and management? There are many questions but i will keep them for next login. regards to all

12:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sir what about retrograde application of rule 4year for reader promotion, while when the staff joined an institution they had rule of 3 year promotion for reader.
what about salary related problems in institution non-payment of salaries, arrears in salaries,not issuing form 16.
what about staff having attended DCI inspection with bogus experience certificates so many i know personally.
What about if a candidate has a publication or research effort published in an inddexed international journal with good impact factor. can he be considered for 1 year reduction in promotion.

5:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how do u expect faculty to work in godforsaken remote places for meagre salary...practical difficulty makes these colleges hire part time faculty.why did dci allow such colleges in the first place?..full time faculty work only in cities and big dont talk big mouth mr narendranath...understand ground realities....leagalising part time will give oppurtunity for these colleges also....and all foriegn universities have a equal number of full time and part time faculty...hope dci understands otherwise dental education will be there only for cities and big towns and not for india's villages

10:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HMA trust guys great job , keep th eball rolling and put more info about hidden dci rules for faculty on the blog , u guys are the saviour of this profession

10:31 AM  
Blogger dr.narendranathsingh said...

Mr.Anonymous first have guts to disclose ur identity then may i let u know what is a big mouth.Visiting Faculties are equivalent to criminals and they should be treated in a similar ways . and visiting faculties should not pretend to act as saviors of dental education. If salary is less dont go to colleges do practise . college job is not part time merry making place. students deserve fulltime faculty irrespective of location of the college.
Prof , Head, and p.g. Guide, kothiwal dental college, moradabad

1:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

big mouth does not stop..........full time faculty in moradabad....wht a joke....recollect history...5 yrs back...and those u are good in private practice cant teach.....wht a rule....those who are there full time in academics are never good in private practice and so are jealous of people who have both.....
dr aggarval

11:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

u r absolutely correct dr agarval....part time are not saviours but even i was taught by part timers,i have a sucessfull practice and it was due to my part time professors and teachers and not due do any irritating full time academicians who are afraid to even touch one patient also.....
dr suresh m.d.s

12:06 AM  
Blogger dr.narendranathsingh said...

Dr. agarwal and Dr. Suresh , with all the regards i really feel sad about your myopic thought process. Rules of MCI and DCI are loud and clear no scope for part time visiting faculties.Nobody is jealous of anybody and its not question of clinical ability.I am not aware of capabilities of your teachers but having passed out from R.Ahmed Dental College were all the faculties are full timers. Seeing attitude of visiting faculties towards full timers i believe there should be two kind of registration in DCI one for private practice and second for academics.and one should choose either of these two. There is already a surplus of teaching staff in dentistry and because of these visiting faculties candidates willing to do a full time job are not getting a opening. Dr. Agarwal and Dr. Suresh its not a joke. I am talking about kothiwal DEntal college, check the status from your resources. and doctors full timers are not loosers. Don't try to justify something which is illegal.

11:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sir,with due regards to your work...what u r saying might be correct for a non clinical department.say for example-oral medicine,oral pathology,community dentistry but for clincical departments we have been trained to do clinical practice.leaving clinical practice aside and working in a college which is far away from cities,dependent entirely on the college...(where more than half the dental college managements treat us like slaves,where payment of salary is not on time,salary is facilities for the staff family to schools nearby for children to study) how can anybody ask any person to work in those colleges from morning to evening...and suddenly these colleges get a staff who is willing to put more number of days of work with lesser pay they dont even care what work u have done till now.....yes some managements are good but DCI AND all dental faculty know that majority are bad...thats the truth in india.....and nothing is being done regarding that......somefaculty misuse part time by being in the college only during the inspection period which is criminal....i was taught by staff who used to come 3 or even 2days a week and teach us what ever was required....and we have excellent practices....have we become failures...or have my professors become failures.....dentistry is not just academics...treating patients and doing private practice mangement can never be in there in textbooks,,it can be taught only by those in private practice through experience..its high time dci notes down such things and reform itself rather than being inside the same well....

8:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dr aggarval

8:56 AM  
Blogger dr.narendranathsingh said...

I partly agree to ur views dr suresh. location of college,attitude of management,you are 100percent correct. we should work upon to make staffs working in private colleges more secured.if you read my previous post i have already penned down my thought. council should make single window staff grievance rectification system. But this does not justify visiting faculties. iam not against practise. one can practise after college hours. in past there were many colleges were there was no dept. of oral medicine or community dentistry but gradautes from those colleges are doing excellent in private practise , does it mean that oral medicine and community are useless and should not be allowed to continue? Things should change for betterment. we should learn from mistakes of past ......

11:20 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

10:08 AM  
Blogger Indiandds said...

Great blog...Dr. Gunaseelan...So many things need to be changed in the system....I am so happy that there is someone who is putting efforts.... I was wondering if you could share your email address....

10:11 AM  
Anonymous sunil said...

Recently there are rumours that DCI is planning to reintroduce 3 years for promotion as reader and 8 years for professor. can anyone confirm.

2:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

grt blog....still none of the private colleges are paying stipend to interns hope the dci will look into this matter

12:12 PM  
Blogger ankur said...

anil kohli is a big fraud he has taken ample for recognition of all the colleges in ncr and spoiling our careers every damm college has been given recognition irrespective of whether they have opd or not and all other issues

9:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is the dental council sleeping after kohlis reforms or nothing happening towards the betterment of teaching faculty
dr suresh

7:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

where r all the self proclaimed saviours?wht r they doing ?private hospitals and corporates can advertise but not individual dentists?colleges sack staff as and how they want.........where is hma trust?sleeping or enjoying the new benifits of power.......

12:01 PM  
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2:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi in india dental faculty should be called as a senior lecturer reader professor but all the gulf countrys are not know the dci rules they need only assistant professor typed experience certificate or associate professor why our dental council of india should change the post names and issue a gazzet regarding the post iam not a dentist but iam seeing in the gulf countrys my friends are so many in dentistry field why should be not change these names

8:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sir... I have done M.Sc medical physiology after my BDS and working in a dental college.people who have done M.Sc medical anatomy with BSMS, BHMS are given seniority and they are not allowing me to take any classes for dental students. Will they allow us to do this if I work in their college? Not only me many people in other dental colleges are also suffering like this. Why cant DCI give reader post for a person with BDS., M.SC (medical anatomy, physiology and biochemistry) when a person with MBBS.,M.Sc/ B.Sc.,M.Sc/B.D.S.,M.Sc/BHMS.,M.Sc/BSMS., M.Sc is promoted as assistant professor after 3 years in medical colleges.This is actually a serious issue in the basic science department of all dental colleges. DCI should take some action in this problem. There should be some difference between the BDS (M.Sc) and other people with .DCI should not leave this as such since many BDS people future and self respect is in their hand.If this continues, then i dont know why DCI is functioning? Atleast HMA can give us some hope in this issue.

6:20 PM  
Blogger Gayathiri said...

ya...your blog is nice to read...we are wait for your next blog....i don't know wwhat's dci and hma...but nice to read

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8:44 PM  

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